Thursday, January 26, 2017

Serengeti and Mikumi National Park zebras life

Zebras are several species of African equids(horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats.
The unique stripes of zebras make them one of the animals most familiar to people. They occur in a variety of habitats, such as grasslands, savannas, woodlands, thorny scrublands, mountains, and coastal hills.
The common plains zebra is about 1.3 m at the shoulder with a body ranging from 2–2.6 m long with a 0.5 m tail. It can weigh up to 350 kg, males being slightly bigger than females.
1. The vertical striping may help the zebra hide in the grass by disrupting its outline.
2. Experiments by different researchers indicate that the stripes are effective in attracting fewer flies,   including blood-sucking tsetse flies and horseflies.
 3. The stripes may help to confuse predators by motion dazzle—a group of zebras standing or moving close together may appear as one large mass of flickering stripes, making it more difficult for the lion to pick out a target.
4. Stripes may be used to cool the zebra. Air may move more quickly over black light-absorbing stripes while moving more slowly over white stripes
 Zebras have four gaits: walk, trot, canter and gallop. They are generally slower than horses, but their great stamina helps them outrun predators. When chased, a zebra will zig-zag from side to side, making it more difficult for the predator to attack. When cornered, the zebra will rear up and kick or bite its attacker.
 Zebras have excellent eyesight.
 Zebras communicate with each other with high-pitched barks and whinnying.
 Zebras feed almost entirely on grasses, but may occasionally eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark.
 Female zebras mature earlier than the males, and a mare may have her first foal by the age of three. Males are not able to breed until the age of five or six. Mares may give birth to one foal every twelve months. She nurses the foal for up to a year. Like horses, zebras are able to stand, walk and suckle shortly after they are born. A zebra foal is brown and white instead of black and white at birth.

Mikumi National Park zebras
Serengeti National Park zebras
This picture was taken near savanna special campsite at Serengeti National Park

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